Adamantios School

Ελληνική έκδοση
A cloud floating in the sky A cloud floating in the sky A cloud floating in the sky

The French Language


The French Language at Adamantios School

At our school, French is instructed daily from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6 through a responsible and innovative approach.

 French classes, organized in small groups, aim at enhancing pupils’ participation through interactive activities and group projects.

Our primary concern is to provide pupils with a pleasant and amusing learning experience, to motivate them and keep them interested in the learning procedure. We apply the principles of Jean Piaget, Swiss psychologist and educator, according to whom children learn through action.


French in Kindergarten

Our main goal is our pupils’ linguistic awakening. Our concern is the children’s welfare and love for the foreign language. Learning at this age is based on vision, hearing, motion and taste. Our teaching is based on rich, modern and carefully selected material and resources.

  • Flashcards (colourful set of cards) for vocabulary acquisition.
  • Nursery rhymes, poems and charades for the correct pronunciation and language rhythm.
  • Educational group games (Bingo, jeu de Kim).
  • Handicraft
  • Puppetry


French in Primary School

From the first grades of Primary School, our aim is to help our students develop their linguistic skills in both writing and speaking, through interactive teaching. Thus, pupils learn how to use French as a means of communication and this is the most important thing when learning a foreign language.


Interactive Material that is used in each grade:

  • Puppets for role-plays
  • Educational cards for vocabulary acquisition.
  • Audio material for learning the pronunciation.
  • Video


Knowledge level

On completion of the 6th grade, our pupils are fully prepared to sit for their first degree in French DELF PRIM A1. The exams, which are conducted under the Auspices of the French Institute of Thessaloniki, take place at our school, which is a certified testing centre.


Learning about the French Culture

Habits and Customs

Our pupils develop an appreciation of the French culture through various activities aiming at making them sensitive to the French life, habits and customs.


Educational School trip to France

Bearing in mind that the best way to practice the foreign language you learn is to visit the country where it is spoken, we organize a 7-day trip to France at the end of the school year. Our pupils practice the French language and develop a greater awareness and deeper understanding of French culture.

The pupils have the opportunity to go on field trips combining both leisure and learning,  get to know the culture and the lifestyle of French country as well as practice speaking skills by communicating with children from other countries.

 The trip is a life-time experience!